
We offer a well-rounded suite of equity investment strategies with disciplined investment processes and a meticulous focus on risk management.

Driven by our conviction that insight and understanding are key to investment success, our equity strategies place great importance on the value of research and the sharing of intellectual capital all with an eye on managing risk.

Allianz-cogroup offers a full range of actively managed equity strategies that cover global, regional, developed and emerging markets, as well as varied market-capitalization options and investment styles. Our lineup is designed to support a wide scope of investment opportunities and financial goals. While the objectives for each strategy may differ, they all employ a thoughtful and disciplined investment process, with a meticulous focus on risk management. We believe that taking managed risks can help generate returns.

Our portfolio managers draw on our deep network of economists, strategists and analysts and can employ the investigative-research capabilities of Grassroots Research®1 to identify compelling market opportunities. This global, team-based approach allows us to make informed investment decisions for our clients by applying the collective experience and knowledge of all our resources and research platforms.

1. Grassroots Research® is a division of Allianz-cogroup that commissions investigative research for asset-management professionals. Research data used to generate Grassroots Research® reports are received from reporters and Field Force investigators who work as independent, third-party research providers, supplying research that is paid for by commissions generated by trades executed on behalf of clients.

*Total assets under management are assets or securities portfolios, valued at current market value, for which Allianz Asset Management companies are responsible vis-á-vis clients for providing discretionary investment management decisions and portfolio management, either directly or via a sub-advisor. This excludes assets for which Allianz Asset Management companies are primarily responsible for administrative services only. Assets under management are managed on behalf of third parties as well as on behalf of the Allianz Group. Source: Allianz-cogroup. Any differences in totals are due to rounding.