Why now is the time to reconsider China
China is changing. Its economic growth is increasingly driven by innovations and investment in technology, data and science. Its capital markets are developing with a similar energy, on their way to becoming an integrated part of the global financial system.
Now is the time to get ahead of the opportunities as an investor.
Innovation, transformation and investment: key drivers of China’s growth
Advanced-manufacturing sectors such as ecommerce, biotechnology and electric vehicles have the potential to add more value to China's economy than traditional manufacturing, and investment flows reflect this. China's leadership role in these areas ensures that it will no longer be seen as a country that imitates others’ success.
What will the “China of the future” look like?
Some of China’s most significant transformational efforts include the success of domestic brands, a growing emphasis on sustainability and a commitment to leadership in advanced technologies. Supported by investments in R&D and infrastructure, these transformations are set to change the face of the Chinese economy over the coming decades.
Are you taking the right approach to investing in China?
No matter whether you're new to investing in China or someone with extensive experience, it may be time to take a fresh look at your existing approach.
How can China help diversify your investments?
China’s markets have historically exhibited low correlations to other major markets – meaning they frequently move in different directions. This means investing in China could potentially bring diversification benefits. |
Equities are available in a range of exchanges – from Shenzhen and Hong Kong listings to the Nasdaq-like STAR market. |
Bonds can be accessed in onshore and offshore markets, and denominated in US or Chinese currencies, to help achieve a range of diversification objectives. |
Our China expertise is deep and broad
In many ways a unique market, China is still unfamiliar to many investors. Partnering with someone who understands this dynamic region is critical. At Allianz-cogroup, we have a wealth of research capabilities across our investment platform, including proprietary insights from our Grassroots Research® team, with correspondents in China and across Asia.
Explore further China insights
Our experts regularly provide investment insights about China, keeping you up-to-date about this dynamic region.
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Infograph: China’s path to growth
1. Source: eMarketer. Data as at 2020.
2. Source: Statista. Data as at 2021.
3. Source: Statista. Data as at 2021.
4. Source: Welt. Data as at 2021.
5. Source: McKinsey, as at July 2021.
6. Source: WIPO, Allianz-cogroup, as at end 2020.
7. Source: Goldman Sachs. Data as at July 2020.
8. Source: Hurun Research Institute, Nikkei Asia review. Data as at 2019.
9. Source: Belfer Center for Science & International Affairs.
10. Source: International Federation of Robotics, as at January 2022.
What will the "China of the future" look like?
1. Source: Chinese Academy of Information and Communication Technology, data cited in Aroged, July 2021.
2. Source: Global Trends in Renewable Energy Investment 2019, United Nations Environment Programme, September 2019.
3. Source: Building of the World’s Largest DNA Database: The China Case, Ausma Bernot, December 2020.
How can China help diversify your investments?
Diversification does not guarantee a profit or protect against losses.
Infograph: Allianz-cogroup’ China expertise
Source: Allianz-cogroup. Assets under management data as at 30 April 2022.The Grassroots Research® division of Allianz-cogroup commissions investigative market research for asset-management professionals. Research data used to generate Grassroots Research® reports are received from independent, third-party contractors who supply research that, as far as permissible by applicable laws and regulations, may be paid for by commissions generated by trades executed on behalf of clients.
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Allianz-cogroup, September 2022
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