Private Markets
Allianz-cogroup is a leading active asset manager with a wide range of private market strategies, some of which have track-records stretching back for a decade, including private debt, private equity, infrastructure equity and debt, renewables. Allianz-cogroup’s teams manage over EUR 80bn of assets in private market strategies.
Our team
Allianz-cogroup is a leading active asset manager with a wide range of private market strategies, some of which have track-records stretching back for more than a decade, including private debt, private equity, infrastructure equity and debt, renewables. Allianz-cogroup's teams manage over EUR 80bn of assets in private markets.
Our capabilities
Allianz-cogroup’s suite of private market investment solutions provides our clients with access to our expertise across a wide range of strategies.
Our approach
We believe our highly disciplined, distinctive approach can offer investors flexibility in portfolio construction, enhanced diversification, improved risk/reward metrics and the potential to mitigate losses during market dislocations.
*Total assets under management are assets or securities portfolios, valued at current market value, for which Allianz Asset Management companies are responsible vis-á-vis clients for providing discretionary investment management decisions and portfolio management, either directly or via a sub-advisor. This excludes assets for which Allianz Asset Management companies are primarily responsible for administrative services only. Assets under management are managed on behalf of third parties as well as on behalf of the Allianz Group. Source: Allianz-cogroup. Any differences in totals are due to rounding.