Join us in shaping pathways to a sustainable future

The world is changing. Help ensure it’s for the better by choosing sustainable solutions that seek to transform businesses and reshape our daily lives. With our wide range of sustainable investment capabilities, we can help you tap into these exciting growth opportunities.

Align your portfolio with companies and innovations that could help shape the future.

We have identified three themes that we see as the most urgent challenges globally, which will help frame the opportunities for sustainable businesses.

The future temperature in
which we will live

Smart Cities
Energy Efficiency

How we sustain ourselves in
a future higher temperature

Responsible Fishing
Sustainable Agriculture
Clean Water

How we live equitably in
a resource-constrained world

Social Housing

We focus on these three themes through
Research and Engagement | Product Development | Industry Commitment

Our commitment to shape the future

Example: Allianz-cogroup contributes to the financing of the UN SDGs, including through our EUR 2.9 billion SDG-aligned strategy range and private markets solutions investing in renewable energy including wind and solar
Example: Allianz-cogroup is helping shape market standards and driving industry-wide action through collaborative engagements and major investor groups such as Climate Action 100+ and the Net Zero Asset Managers initiative
Example: Allianz-cogroup is helping to accelerate change and mitigate negative impacts through engagement with 238 companies globally, and participation in 10,190 shareholder meetings in 2021

Combine your investment goals with your sustainability objectives

By investing sustainably, you can help support the transformation of the real economy, and aim for positive environmental and social outcomes in addition to seeking financial returns.

Different solutions tailored to your investment and sustainability objectives


Promoting sustainability objectives or values by focusing on companies with a superior ESG footprint, or by encouraging investee companies on their climate transition journey.

Financial returns
objectives and values
Qualifying approaches*
(Sustainable and Responsible Investing) Best-in-Class

SFDR classification#: Typically Article 8


Generating measurable positive environmental or social impact through private market or SDG-aligned (UN Sustainable Development Goals-aligned) public market strategies.

Financial returns
sustainable outcomes
Qualifying approaches*

SFDR classification#: Typically Article 8 or 9

*Sustainable minimum exclusions are applied to all sustainable strategies.

# Classification according to the EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation.

Learn more about Allianz-cogroup's pathway to shaping sustainability

Unlock sustainable solutions relevant to you

Help shape the world of tomorrow with us


SRI strategy launch

Launch of AllianzGl's first sustainable and responsible investing (SRI)
equity strategy


Sustainability Professionals

within our Sustainable & Impact Investing Team


UN PRI Signatory

Amongst the first 50 asset managers to sign the UN Principles for
Responsible Investing (PRI)


Collaborative initiatives

Active member of the Net Zero Asset Manager Initiative, One Planet Asset Manager Initiative and Climate Action100+ underlining our commitment to support combating climate change

Learn more about sustainable investing




Check out more insights

How investments in solutions for more sustainable energy generation, efficient energy storage and consumption can help accelerate the clean energy transition.


The war in Ukraine has highlighted that the current way of producing and consuming food is unsustainable. As the rising global population places greater demands on our food system, there is an urgent need to build a resilient and inclusive food ecosystem, meeting both planetary and social needs.


The first Earth Day rally in 1970 encouraged environmental protection for the planet but the message requires greater urgency for Earth Day 2022 as earlier this year it was announced that the world has already “exceeded the safe planetary boundary for pollutants.”


How investments in sustainable water solutions can help re-equilibrating the structural imbalance between water supply and demand.


Sustainable packaging investments address pressing environmental challenges caused by single-use plastics.


How investments in efficient and sustainable water solutions can address water scarcity. Learn more about the implications for investors. In our latest analysis.


Discover our investable themes

Navigating Rates

Navigating Rates

To stay focused on their goals, investors may need to reposition portfolios to factor in rising interest rates, shifting inflation expectations, and fluctuating exchange rates. Geopolitical turbulence is creating new flash points. Volatility is set to be a hallmark of the coming period, with countries and regions on different paths in terms of growth and monetary policy. Investors may struggle to find safe havens and, with only limited visibility of how markets will develop, expectations could be upended. But we are also confident this environment will create opportunities. Diversification is key – across public and private markets – and we have the ideas and expertise to help you navigate the complexity.

See our campaign website

Embracing Disruption

Embracing Disruption

We think it’s time to disrupt traditional definitions of “disruption”. Once a story for the tech sector, disruption is now all-encompassing. And while technology and AI may be driving many of the changes, this new wave of disruption could shape every aspect our daily lives. The implications will be profound and exponential – and many of the themes arising from Covid-19 will likely be permanent fixtures.

See our campaign website

Achieving Sustainability

Achieving Sustainability

Sustainable investing is at an inflection point. Interest in sustainability has turned into significant investments, and these inflows rightly come with increased expectations about impact and measurement. Investors are at different stages of their sustainability journey and have different ambitions. We’re focused on bringing sustainable investing into the real world, with a focus on pragmatic approaches and the pathways that support real progress.

See our campaign website

Interpreting China

Interpreting China

China is changing. Its economic growth is increasingly driven by innovations in technology, data and science. Its capital markets are developing with a similar energy, on their way to becoming an integrated part of the global financial system. Understanding the country’s unique political context and strategy is essential to grasp the opportunities as an investor and participate in this unique investment story.

See our campaign website

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